• 獲選全球30+最有創意品牌識別設計之一 - 騰富科技全新策略

    Publiched on 20-02-2012

    "The new corporate identity is both refreshing and innovative. Our new tagline: ‘Computing For People’ is certainly fitting of our desire to move in tandem with the industry. It is an integral part of the overall appearance of the new CFP Technology Corporation - the one that innovation & invention in the 21st century.” Said John Chien, Chairman of CFPT.

    新的品形象用着 Tangram Concept (each tan represented a technology and integrated into an integrated circuit, a state-of-the-art microchip...) 既科技創新、多元化設計、穩健、字體外圓內方。另新的企業Tagline“Computing For People” 概念著勇於追夢、創意無窮。“這次企業識別設計經過數月的徵詢調查設計的籌備及進行。我們感謝紐約設計顧問團隊的協助下理解我們的需求和期望達成目標。我們很自豪地介紹騰富科技全新的標誌。” 董事長錢逸森說。

    This work is selected to appeared & published on David E. Carter design book series and New York Design is one of the small number of design firms from all over the world with work included in eBrightBook ...
    這次設計作品"騰富科技企業識別",紐約設計顧問從全球設計顧問公司中,脫穎而出成為少數作品獲選刊載在''David E. Carter - Bright eBook '' 中的設計公司之一 。
    Chosen as one of the “30+ Awesome & Creative Corporates” by Desigg.com - simple and inspiration...