
Publiched on 21-2-2018

Why good packaging design is important to your business...?...
Packaging is powerful because it tells consumers why your product and brand are different. Great packaging is especially significant for growing startups because it can have a direct impact on sales and a company's overall appeal. Your product's packaging is meant to communicate a purpose: what your brand stands for and what it means for your customer.

包裝是強大的,因為它告訴消費者為什麼你的產品和品牌是不同的。 偉大的包裝對於成長中的初創公司尤其重要,因為它可以直接影響到銷售和公司整體吸引力。 您的產品的包裝是為了傳達目的:您的品牌代表什麼以及您的客戶意味著什麼。

示範案例: 「蔘林獵人」Sang Hunter Ginseng Liquor 是美 Golden Trade International Corporation 優質的野山花旗蔘酒,SANG在美國代表「人蔘」Ginseng,而 Hunter 則是象徵獵尋地底下珍貴人蔘的挖掘者,匯集種種意象,「蔘林獵人」西洋人蔘酒就此誕生。